Seizures and Medulloblastoma

Seizures are uncommon in children with Medulloblastoma; however, sometimes they do happen. Seizures can look different in each child. Some seizures are just mild twitching or staring spells, while others involve shaking of an arm or leg or full convulsions. Talk with your health care team and ask them if they think it is likely your child might experience seizures.

If you see any behaviors that are different than normal in your child, ask your health care team if these behaviors might be related to seizures. If your child has a seizure, the most important thing is to keep him/her safe. DO NOT put anything in your child's mouth, such as a spoon or your fingers. DO keep your child safe from things in the area that might hurt him/her, for instance, move furniture away from your child and keep other people (except medical help) away. It can be very scary to watch your child have a seizure, but if you can remember, or ask someone else to remember, write down the time the seizure started and stopped and what behaviors you saw. This will help your health care team determine the best treatment for your child. Most seizures can be controlled with medications.